Thursday, 26 May 2011

May Update

Hello everyone.

Been a while since we've updated, but here goes.

The band have been really busy learning new music and drill for our 2011 competition season. This year we will be performing music from the hit film "Happy Feet".

This weekend see's us having a weekend camp, rehearsing our show ready for our preview on Monday 30th May and our first show of the season at the Cadence Spectacular in Aldershot on Sunday 12th June.

As we are a scout band we will be sticking to some basic principles, sleeping in tents for this weekends camp.

This will the be the first time we have stayed under canvas at a "band camp" and hopefully not the last.

We will try to update the website over the weekend with photo's and reports, but here's a link to our preview details.

If you not already part of our facebook group please click the link at the top of the page.