Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Band Workshop Night

Monday 30th November saw members of the band run a workshop for the Manitoba Beavers and Kipling Cubs, units of the 4th Uckfield Scout Group.

Members from both units were given the chance to ask questions about the instruments and to try playing them. But most of them just enjoyed making as much noise as possible with our percussion instruments.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Lewes Bonfire Celebrations

Remember, remember the fifth of November. The gunpowder Treason and Plot.

On 5th November, the Band took part in the Bonfire celebrations in Lewes with the Waterloo Bonfire Society.

With the first procession moving off at 6:20pm and the last procession not finishing until 9:45pm it was a very long night for the Band, but one that all the members enjoy every year.

We have taken part with Waterloo Bonfire Society for many years since the Band was reformed in 1986 and look forward to continuing taking part in years to come.




Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Newick Bonfire

Saturday 31st October saw the Band taking part in the bonfire celebrations at Newick. This is the second year the Band has been asked to perform in the celebrations, and it is a long night especially for the younger members.

The first procession of the night was the childrens procession which moved off at 6:15pm making it's way to the village green, where we had a short break before the formation of the main procession which moved off at 7:30pm.

The main procession looped around the village, making it's way to the village green, where we dropped out for our second break of the night as the procession continued around the village for a second time arriving back at the village green for the bonfire and firework display.

At 9:30pm we formed up for our last parade of the night, from the village green to the village hall and back to the bonfire.


Tuesday, 6 October 2009

2009 Finals Results

So that's another year of competitions over and it's time to start work on next years production.

Our final placing was 4th in the Division 3 league and 5th at the BYBA National Finals.

A full breakdown of the scores can be found here:


Saturday, 3 October 2009

Finals Weekend

So it's that time of year again, FINALS!!. We made it up here eventually after getting stuck on the M40 for nearly 2 hours. Had some rehearsal time before it was time for some food prepared by our magic food ladies and their new apprentice. Dinner was sausage, mash and mixed veg, strangely most of the boys didn't eat their veg.

Desert was a special mix of limited edition Angel Delight, (strawberry and butterscotch mixed together) served with fruit salad.

So we're now trying to get everyone off to bed so they have an early night before Finals tomorrow.

We will update the blog after the awards presentation tomorrow.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Midland Impact Results

So, it's 19:20 and we're traveling down the M40 on our way back home after another weekend away for a competition.

We took part in our final competition of the season at the Midland Impact competition held just outside Coventry.

We we're against 7 other Bands in our division, where we finished 5th overall, we won Best Turnout and moved up 1 place into 4th in the Division 3 League. Our overall score for today was 62.39 out of a possible 100.


Our Last competition on the year is at the BYBA National Championships which will be held at Butts Park Stadium in Coventry on the 4th October.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Ouse Valley Sounds Results

Saturday saw us in competition at the Ouse Valley Sounds in Bedford.

We we're against 3 other units in our division. The day started at 07:15 at the scout hut where we had to load the truck with all our instruments and scenery, before boarding the coach for the the trip up to Bedford.

First of we went to our rehearsal site near the Bedford Athletics Stadium where we spent about an hour working on sections of the show before we had one complete run through before our short trip to the stadium.

Once at the stadium we got changed into our show uniform (superman suits) straight away before we made our way around the stadium ready to enter the field for competition.

After the performance we had a few hours to wait for the awards presentation where we were able to watch the Dagenham Crusaders Alumni.

During the awards presentation we were awarded Best Turnout and Best Field Visual.

We are now looking forward to our next competition on Sunday 20th September at the Midlands Impact competition near Coventry.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Founding Fathers Presentation

On Sunday the Band was presented with a cheque for £500 from the Founding Fathers of the Uckfield Rugby Club.

The Founding Fathers have helped the Band out many times over the years by allowing us to rehearse our competitive displays on their Hempstead Fields site, and this is the second time they have donated to the band

We would like to thank the Founding Fathers for their continued support.


Sunday, 6 September 2009

Uckfield Carnival

Saturday saw us take part in the Uckfield Carnival. The day started with a children's procession in the afternoon through the town which finished at Holy Cross School playing field.

Then it was time for the Torchlight Procession in the evening. Visiting societies from across Sussex formed up in Grange Road for the start of the 2009 Sussex Bonfire & Carnival Season.

Starting at 7:30pm the air over Uckfield was soon covered by thick black smoke from the torches as the procession made it's way around town before the Grand Torchlight Procession back through the town finishing at 9:30pm.

Once again the band was proud to support the Uckfield Carnival, something we have been doing since the band's formation in 1986.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Pictures from August Camp

More to follow.

Band Camp Day 2 & 3

So the internet connection didn't appear last night for us to update the blog, so here's a run down on what has happened.

Day 2

Sunday morning everyone was awake for breakfast at 7:30am, our magic food ladies worked their wands over a fry-up.

After breakfast it was straight into warm-ups and stretches ready for a full run through at 9:30am. After the first run through of the day we them moved onto a music section where we worked on dynamics for the whole show before working on 2 parts of the show for any visual issues.

Once again the magic food ladies had a ploughman's lunch ready for us at 1pm. During lunch we watch the recording of the full run through we had done at the start of the day. Everyone was able to look at their individual errors and were able to comment on their feelings about the show.

After lunch we were back onto the field for stretches, then onto another full run through before working on the other parts of the show before our final run through of the day at 5:50pm.

Dinner was sweet and sour chicken with rice followed by cheesecake, during dinner we played the video of the first full run through of the weekend and the final run through of the day. All the members commented on how much the show had improved.

After dinner everyone had some free time before lights out at 11pm (ish).

Day 3

After our continental breakfast it was on to warm-ups and drill before section warm ups ready for the first full run through of the day. We worked on a few sections of the show where members were having problems with their drill.

As the parents started to arrive they were shown the video of the first run through on Saturday before they watched the final performance of the show.

So now it's the end of camp, everyone is tired and heading for home, some much needed sleep, and some time to think back and remember all the hard work and effort that has gone into our show.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Band Camp Day 1

So it's the end of the first day and everyones looking tired, we've had dinner and they are all settling down for a team building activity. We've worked on all the parts of the show and done 2 complete run throughs.

The run throughs were videoed so the members could look at the progress they are making and could comment on ways they can improve their individual performance. They all know what they have to work on and they are all in a positive mood. Lets see how long that lasts with little sleep over the weekend.

The internet connection around the campsite is very hit and miss, we will continue to update this blog if we can.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Programme Selling

Last night saw us selling programmes for the Uckfield Bonfire & Carnival Society, who will be marking the start of the 2009 Sussex Bonfire & Carnival Season on the 5th September.

We split into two groups and managed to sell 150 programmes.

We help sell programmes each year as well as taking part in both the afternoon and evening parades through the town.

Money raised through the selling of programmes, collections and fundraising by UBCS is donated each year to local groups and charities.


Monday, 10 August 2009


Welcome to our new blog.

We will be updating this with news, info and stories from our rehearsal, performances and camps.